Arab Youth Sustainable Development NetworkArab Youth Sustainable Development NetworkArab Youth Sustainable Development Network
9am - 8pm
Sana'a, Yemen

Symposium on the reality of poverty in Gaza

The Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network participates in a symposium on the reality of poverty in Gaza

The reality of poverty in Gaza

The Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network in Gaza participated in an interactive symposium entitled “Gaza between the hammer of poverty and the anvil of the siege … hard present and unknown future.” Which was held in the activities hall of Rawasi Foundation. The symposium was organized by the Legal Basmet Shabab Team within Irtiqa Program implemented by the Rawasi Palestine Foundation in Gaza Which was one of the activities of a youth campaign to highlight the reality of poverty in Gaza under a title that has changed their reality.

Opening of the symposium

Nassim Al-Zeinati, the network’s ambassador in Gaza, spoke during the symposium about the reality of poverty and its definition, and the first goal of the sustainable development related to poverty eradication. He presented statistics and figures on poverty rates in the world. In particular, he mentioned the poverty rate in Gaza, which reached 85%. He also spoke about the way to struggle against poverty, the role and the importance of youth efforts and the need to activate them through community participation in various initiatives by making a strategic development plan that depends on supporting individuals because they will be the engine of economic growth through small and micro enterprises that stimulate individual growth and contribute to poverty reduction.

At the end of his speech, he thanked the organizers of this interactive symposium which confirmed that there are youth who have taken the initiative to advance their society despite the difficult living conditions, the ongoing crises and the intensification of the siege.

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