Bashar Alfatesh

Partnerships for the Goals

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals   This goal calls for strengthening effective partnerships between countries, institutions, and organizations to achieve sustainable development. Through financial support, technology transfer, and capacity […]
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Life on Land

Goal 15: Life on Land   Forests cover 31% of the Earth’s surface and are home to 80% of terrestrial species. It is essential to protect forests, biodiversity, and terrestrial […]
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Life Below Water

Goal 14: Life Below Water   This goal focuses on preserving oceans, seas, and marine resources, using them sustainably to ensure the survival of underwater biodiversity. Oceans cover more than […]
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Climate Action

Goal 13: Climate Action   Investing in climate action protects natural resources and creates new economic opportunities. There are urgent reasons to take action against climate change and its impacts […]
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