Arab Youth Sustainable Development NetworkArab Youth Sustainable Development NetworkArab Youth Sustainable Development Network
9am - 8pm
Sana'a, Yemen

In commemoration of World Environment Day, AYSDN organizes a webinar on reducing plastic pollution

In conjunction with World Environment Day, the Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network (AYSDN) organizes a webinar through Zoom platform to exchange ideas, damage and solutions on the problem of plastic pollution, which was adopted by UNEP as a motto for World Environment Day 2023 and this year seeks to reduce plastic pollution.

UNEP says that over the past five decades, World Environment Day has become one of the world’s largest environmental awareness platforms, calling this year for the reduction of plastic pollution.

World Environment Day 2023 coincides with the 50th anniversary of celebrating this day, and the country of Ivory Coast in West Africa and the Netherlands were chosen to host this year’s celebrations.
