Arab Youth Sustainable Development NetworkArab Youth Sustainable Development NetworkArab Youth Sustainable Development Network
9am - 8pm
Sana'a, Yemen

AYSDN Organizes Ramadan Evening entitled, “Time Waste Problem”

Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network (AYSDN) Organizes Ramadan Evening entitled, “Time Waste Problem”

Entitled, “Wasting time in Ramadan; Problems and solutions” The Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network (AYSDN) organized a Ramadan evening on Monday, April 17, 25th of Ramadan. Abdullah Kassim Agha, Ambassador for World Peace and organizer of events to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), integrate young people into the labour market and empower young people into the labour market.

A number of young people from various Arab countries participated in the evening, each of whom presented their insights on the topic under discussion.

Mr. Al-Agha discussed a number of topics, most notably the importance of proper planning, arranging time, and moderation in using social media, which are aspects that young people should take into consideration.
